Everyone needs a Hobby

This evening I’m watching the Thomas Crown Affair starting Pierce Bronson and Rene Russo.  It’s the new one…made in 1999.  One of the main character states “Everyone needs a hobby.”

James Bond had a hobby!  https://youtu.be/yw3X-lzwmOM

And yes, even I have a hobby: a worthless advice blog.

Sure, sometimes I forget about my hobby and my worthless advice blog gets neglected.  I don’t write and that is just plain silly of me because in the end, who suffers the most?  You do.  You do, my poor readers. I neglect you and that’s a terrible mistake.  Why should I deprive you of my advice?  Do my stories not enlighten you? Do they not impart you with my vast knowledge and wise experiences?

Every once in a while, Cyndi (my imaginary stalker) has to remind me that life isn’t all about rainbow and unicorns. Sometimes it is about doing something more important, sometimes it involves putting down Mr. Whiskers and writing for the readers of my blog.  For you my dear readers, I’ll put down Mr. Whiskers this evening and write a blog entry.  Because, hey, you deserve it.

What is your hobby?  A hobby should be something that engages your mind, it helps your soul, and it will lead to positive health benefits.  (Of course if making meth in your garage is your hobby, it probably won’t lead to positive health benefits but it will engage your mind….chemistry is hard stuff).

Hobbies are an escape from your everyday that allows you to decompress.  You are able to relax and think something other than the burdens of being an adult.

Hobbies are also something you don’t mind wasting time on. You can spend hours doing your hobby and it won’t matter because you enjoy it.  It brings you joy.

However, a hobby should be positive for you and for those around you. Smoking cigerettes around a daycare center isn’t a good hobby.  Watching an excessive amount of TV is a bad hobby also.  Instead you should be reading my blog.  Clearly, my blog is an excellent hobbit.

What is your favorite hobby (besides reading my blog)?

Back on Anderson Island

This week on Anderson Island, the lake isn’t frozen over. Our cold spell is over and we are back into the low 40’s.  My brother and I are here only for a little while to clean up the lake house. We are going to return to the mainland with my parents’ Airstream Bambi 19 Flying Cloud model trailer to post up for sale.

We just have to figure out how to hook it up to my Dad’s truck. I’ve towed a trailer before and my brother is a truck driver, so between the two of us, we should be able to do it.

If you or someone you know is looking for a beautiful trailer, send me an email!  I’ll be posting more photos later.

Sorry if I offend You!

It has been brought to my attention that my blog of worthless advice may have offended some of you.  Now, with my blog having a readership of two readers, it is hard to know where to take this blog.  There is a lot of pressure to keep the blog interesting for my two readers. 

Growing your blog readership isn’t easy for a blog that has the words “worthless advice” in the title. I think I’ve narrowed my target audience to a fairly small niche: people who like worthless advice.  Is there a huge market out there for worthless advice? Well, obliviously not since I have only two readers.

My advice isn’t good. I get a lot of my blog ideas from movies I watch, the news I read, and articles I discover online.  I usually try to build upon those ideas into a nice blog post about worthless advice.  Take for example, my yard sales tips post.  It’s a very well written piece that clearly shows worthless advice for your next yard sale. Terribly worthless advice that no one should take. But I do hope that you find it humorous because it is so worthless.

So, my dear readers, I’m sorry if I offended you with my worthless advice.  I’ll try to make it up to sometime soon.  You can help me by suggesting some blog post ideas below in my comment section. Thanks for reading!

When I’m Feeling Depressed…I think to myself “Things could be worse…”

I’m usually a pretty upbeat and positive person. Sure, some people might say I’m a sarcastic type of person who lives in the realm of reality but I am, for the most part, a positive upbeat person.

I don’t like to hear about negative news. I hate sob stories. However, I love a good train wreck story once in a while. I just can’t help it. Most train wreck stories involve people that bring it on themselves. Maybe they know better, maybe they don’t.  But in the end, I get to hear a good story and feel better about myself.

So your project is to submit your train wreck story in the comments below.  Heck, if you like, email me your story directly. I don’t mind.

Have a great weekend!

You don’t disappoint me; my own choices in life have already done that.

Yes, we all make poor choices once in a while (or everyday for some of you dear readers).   Maybe you picked up that stray cat and it peed all over your new carpet; not a good choice.  Perhaps, you forgot to order flowers for your spouse on an anniversary; again not a good choice.  Just remember that your choices are the ones you made for a reason that seemed (at the moment) to be the correct decison.  They may have seemed logical to you at the time because of the situation you were faced with, however when you look back at them, you realize it wasn’t really it was a good choice.

Please remember: You can’t beat yourself up for those poor choices you made.  Sure, it wasn’t a good idea to marry that motor cross biker from Florida (because it turned out he was a big kid at heart and would never support you). Perhaps you should have given it a little more thought when you bet your plane ticket money at the roulette table and now you’ll be missing your mom’s fourth marriage to a guy named Phil (who likes to party because he’s old, but not dead yet).

You can also regret the choice that your spouse is “finding himself” by listening to the latest podcast of a self-help guru named JuWanka.  Sure, JuWanka was a failed used car salesman from Tacoma, Washington but maybe selling cars wasn’t his true calling and that being a self-help guru is his true calling. And if you think about it, if you can sell an used car, you can probably sell some self-help crap to people as well. (Oops, there goes my career as a self-help guru).

Now, we all know we have some disappointments and regrets in our lives. I regret having jalapeñoa on my burger last night.  Yet these disappointments help to shape and mold our characters. No one’s life is easy (except for maybe Donald Trump), and we become better people because of the failures and knowledge we gain from our life experiences.

So as I eat my double chocolate ice cream this evening, I can tell you that you aren’t a disappointment. Life has given you the disappointments, you just need to learn from them.

Why You Made a Mistake Marrying Your Husband

I recently finished watching a comedy show on Netflix and came to the conclusion that I’m pretty much a failure.  Yup, hop on the loser train, because the next stop is disappointment and resentment.  

Now, most husbands would surmise that their life isn’t that bad.  You might have a spouse that also works so you have a duel income.  I’m sure you have decent cars, a fairly nice house, and the school down the street your kids attend isn’t that bad.  Maybe your kids give you a hug once in a while. As a husband, overall, it looks like a fairly normal life.  You listen to your wife and kids about 36-45% of the time, you don’t have any feelings so they can’t hurt you, and you remember most of the important dates you should know (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).  Yet, if we talked to the wives and kids of these husbands (yes, I’m talking about your wife and kids), we would hear a much different tale.  We would hear a story of broken dreams, shattered promises, and unfulfilled desires.

Now let’s take those results back to the clueless husband and fathers (again this means you), you would learn that you (as the supposed breadwinner) are an utter failure.  If reality TV has taught us anything (and it has taught us a lot), you should be a much better person than you are.  How can Dr. Phil and Oprah be wrong?

But are men the ones to blame?  Certainyl as a woman, you should have been smarter and married the guy with higher earning potential, a happier attitude, and a better understanding of how you work.  You should have seen that your life wasn’t going to turn out the way you thought it would.  Would you have switched out the train engine at the roundhouse if you knew what your life was going to be like?

Whoa, hold on a second, Mr. Worthless Advice, my life isn’t full of doom and gloom, right? Or is it? Aren’t you regretting your choices? Doesn’t your husband work too much? Doesn’t spend any time with you?  He neglects the kids?  He plays too much golf, stays up too late, works out in the yard on the weekend.  This isn’t what you expected when you signed up.

If you had picked a better mate in the beginning, then you could have switched careers yourself.  You were probably a successful up and coming female executive.  You could have made the move to a being a housewife. Or a stay at home mom.  Now, that stay at home housewife idea might make you sick because (at one time) you enjoyed working a career and having a dual income household.

Sure, I understand your husband should have been making more money, you should have had a spa day every Tuesday, yoga on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:30 am, a haircut every three weeks on Thursday.  You definitely deserved to be driving a new Lexus to the gym everyday day.  That yoga mat isn’t going to roll itself.

As you read this from your lounge chair, I hope you are enjoying your vacation.  You do like vacation trips to Hawaii and Europe? Yeah, I bet you do. I bet if you had married someone better you could have stayed at the nice five star resort.  But you didn’t.  Life is rough, suck it up.

Oops…wrong date…

I live my life by my Google Calendar. Our family is intermixed together on various Google Accounts to make sure we don’t double book ourselves. However, today I messed up and thought it was Wednesday May 4. Today is Tuesday May 3.

Well, I didn’t mess up on the day…I thought I was meeting my cousin John for lunch today but I’m actually meeting him tomorrow.

So, I’m sitting in the correct restaurant at the right time; but on the wrong day. Silly me.

I might have to pull out my Adult Coloring Book and just fill in some pretty pictures of apples and oranges.  Coloring relaxes me and fulfills my meager life with vibrant colors. Sort of fulfill my life through drink and good comfort food. 


“Thanks for not dying!” (Oh, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day)

In America, it’s St. Patrick’s Day which had something to do with Irish and consuming large quantities of beer, Irish whiskey, American whiskey, and pretty much any other alcohol you can find. People will talk in their fake Irish accents (except for my friend’s wife who whispers…most annoying) and you have to wear some green to avoid getting pinched by some overly aggressive “green power” enforcer.

Usually, it is a friendly old lady who just wants to pinch my tush. “Back off Grandma”.

My wife has it much worse on St. Patrick’s Day because she is a redhead. Most people assume that all redheads are Irish.  This isn’t true. There are more redheads in Scotland than Ireland and therefore more Scots that are redheads than Irish redheads. 
Today, I did wear my green polo shirt (because it brings out the color in my eyes, not because it is St. Patrick’s Day).  I used my green water bottle and I ate a green salad for lunch. Now, I can proudly walk around with a piece of lettuce stuck in between my teeth and promote my Irish  heritage.

Enjoy your St. Patrick’s Day!  Make yourself a Grasshopper Martini or drop some food color in your microbrew and enjoy the day!  And Thanks for not dying!